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Trinity Grammar School prides itself on providing learning opportunities for all boys to develop in Mind, Body and Spirit. Teachers are committed to working with each individual as each student realises his purpose, passions and potential. Our co-curricular activities form an essential aspect of this well-rounded approach. Trinity Grammar School provides a wide range of co-curricular activities to support each individual boy in their development.

Co-curricular Activities are not compulsory. There are a number of co-curricular activities offered at the Preparatory School for those boys interested.  These include:

> Music
> Art Club

> Chess
> Debating
> CIA | Christians in Action
> Self Defence
> Acting and Communication Academy: Speech and Drama

> Scouts

> Photography
> Coding
> Musical / Drama
> Games Group
> Gardening
> Lego Club
> Mandarin Club
> Newspaper Club
> French Club
> STEM Robotics Club
> Junior Choir
> Model Making / Stone Carving
Further information about these activities can be obtained through the Preparatory School Office.


> Emerging Athlete Programme
> Swimming Squads
> Tennis Coaching
> Elite Football
> Cricket Coaching
> Minimites


Please see music section.


Art Club is offered to boys in years Kindergarten to Year 6.

The Year 3 to 6 programme is organised so that boys from particular Stages have two terms available per year. For example, Stage 2 (Years 3 & 4) Stage 3 (Years 5 & 6). The group meets one afternoon per week after school. There is a charge for this activity per Term (Year 3 to 6 club only).

The Kindergarten to Year 2 programme is run at one lunch time during the week.

CHESS CLUB | for Years 2 to 6

Access to Chess Club is by invitation only and is held on Thursday afternoons from 3.30 - 4.30 pm. This is for boys who can play Chess and who compete in Inter School competitions. 

Chess Coaching | Years 3 - 6 | is held on Wednesday or Thursday afternoons from 3.30 - 4.30 pm. There is a charge for this activity per Term.

Chess Coaching | Year 2 | is held on Wednesday afternoons from 3.30 - 4.30 pm. There is a charge for this activity per Term.

Chess Competition Years 3-6 is held on Friday afternoons from 3:15 to 6:00pm. There is a charge for this activity per Term.

DEBATING | for Years 5 to 6

Boys in Year 5 and 6 can attend debating coaching sessions. These sessions are split for Year 5 and Year 6. Boys in Year 6 are eligible for selection in the ISDA Debating Team which represents the School in the ISDA Competition on a Friday evening during terms 1 and 2. Year 5 and Year 6 boys also form House teams which compete throughout the year on a Friday afternoon and selected students represent the School at IPSHA Debating fixtures during Terms 2 and 4.

CIA | Christians in Action

CIA (Christians in Action) is a voluntary Christian group for boys in Years 1 to 6. The groups available include bible study groups for Years 1 and 2, Years 3 and 4, and Years 5 and 6. Each occurs on different lunchtimes during the week. There is a combined session for students in Years 3 to 6 during one lunchtime during each week. CIA is also committed to being actively involved in the local community through charity and personal involvement.

SELF DEFENCE (Taekwondo) | for Years 1 to 6

Taekwondo is offered for students for Years 4 to 6 and Years 1 to 3. Each session is run between 3:20 and 4:20pm over two different afternoons. There is a charge to participate in this activity.


Speech and Drama is held on Monday afternoons. Boys are involved in a variety of activities to develop their performance and presentation skills. The Kindergarten session is held from 3:05 to 3:35pm and the Years 3 to 6 session is held from 3:30 to 5:00pm. There is a charge for this activity per Term.


3rd Summer Hill (Trinity Grammar) Scout Group currently consists of:
> Cub Scouts | boys 7 ½ to 10 ½ years, and
> Scouts | boys 10 ½ to 14 ½ years

Each Tuesday evening of Term, the School Cub Pack meets in the Scout Hall at Summer Hill. Under the leadership of its Akela and Assistants, the Pack enjoys its programme of activities from 6.00 p.m. until 7.30 p.m.

Scouting at Trinity Grammar has the honour of being one of the oldest Scouting groups in Australia. With over seventy years of Scouting within the School, the ongoing success of the Trinity Scout Group can be attributed to an exciting programme that has the boys coming back for more year after year.

It is no wonder that Trinity Grammar Scouts has always been a popular Co-curricular Activity as it represents an important component of the Trinity Triangle and the 'well-rounded' boy that both Trinity and Scouts aim to develop.

Scouting, in keeping with the general principles of Trinity's aim to provide a thoroughly Christian education for the boys, imparts knowledge and understanding of the world we live in, encourages the physical, intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual development of young people so that they take a constructive place in society as responsible citizens, and as members of their local, national and international communities.

Both Cub Scouts and Scouts experience an active involvement with outdoor activities, camps, bush walks and numerous other adventure and learning activities. These structured activities are not only fun and informative, but also are aimed at completing awards set by the Scouting Association.

By teaching positive values and leadership skills, Trinity Scouting makes a direct and positive impact on the community.  Every year, Scouts and their leaders contribute thousands of volunteer hours to their local communities. Sharing time with the aged in the local community, helping with Clean Up Australia Day, Harmony Day and planting trees to help with conserving our environment are just a few examples of the commitment Scouts make to their communities.

Scouting is definitely fun, and it also prepares young people for life in the adult world by teaching responsibility for their own actions and progress. These achievements lay a solid foundation for the success of our future Australian leaders. But don't tell the kids they're learning…they think they're just having fun!

PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB | for Kindergarten to Year 6

Photography Club is offered to boys in years Kindergarten to Year 6.
The Year 3 to 6 programme operates in Term 3 and 4, and the Kindergarten to Year 2 programme runs in Term 1 and 2. The group meets one afternoon per week after school.

CODING | for Years 1 to 6

The Year 1 to 6 programme is organised so that boys from particular Stages have two terms available per year. For example, Stage 2 (Years 3 & 4), Stage 3 (Years 5 & 6). This co-curricular activity is offered at lunchtimes throughout the week.

LEGO CLUB | for Kindergarten to Year 2

This club is offered one lunch time each week. Each year level (Kindergarten to Year 2) is provided an opportunity to participate in the club on a termly rotation.

MUSICAL / DRAMA | for Kindergarten to Year 6

The co-curricular group is split between Infant and Primary students. Each group meets one afternoon per week after school. This club is offered through an audition process.

GAMES GROUP | for Kindergarten to Year 6

Opportunity for students in Years 1 to 2 to play board games and develop social skills. Offered throughout the year, one lunchtime a week.

GARDENING | for Years 1 to 6

Opportunity for students to contribute to looking after two garden beds specifically designed for Gardening Club. Offered once a week at lunchtime.

MANDARIN CLUB | for Years 3 to 4

Opportunity for students to participate in playing games, while incorporating the Mandarin language. Offered in Term 3 and Term 4, one lunchtime per week.

NEWSPAPER CLUB | for Years 4 to 6

Students have the opportunity to contribute to the Preparatory School’s newspaper. Offered throughout the year, one lunchtime a week.

FRENCH CLUB | for Years 1 to 6

The Year 1 to 6 French Club programme is organised so that boys from particular year groups have two terms available per year. This co-curricular activity is offered at lunchtimes throughout the week.


This co-curricular is offered for students in Year 6. It provides the boys with opportunities to learn more about STEM Robotics. The group meets one afternoon per week after school.

JUNIOR CHOIR | for Years 1 to 3

A co-curricular that allows boys to continue to develop their choral skills prior to be given the opportunity to audition for the Trinity Singers (Year 4 to 6 students).


The co-curricular opportunities are offered to develop the boys stone carving and model making skills. The group meets one afternoon per week after school. Model Making in Terms 1 and 2, and Stone Carving in Terms 3 and 4. There is a charge for these activities.

EAP | for Kindergarten to Year 6

The Primary Emerging Athlete Programme is available to all students in Kindergarten to Year 6. The focus is on developing gross motor skills through drills, sprints, throws and jumps. The boys are grouped by skill level and fitness. The Kindergarten to Year 2 session is held at the Preparatory School from 3:00 to 4:00pm one afternoon per week. The Year 3 to 6 sessions are held at the Summer Hill campus. There is a charge for this activity per term.

SWIMMING | for Years 3 to 6

Swimming Squads are conducted at the School Pool at Summer Hill. Boys apply to the School's Director of Swimming, Mr Benjamin Tuxford for inclusion into the squads. The mini-squads cater for competent swimmers across four ability levels and are charged per term.

TENNIS | for Years 3 to 6

Tennis Coaching will be under the direction of Mr Jeremy Dykgraaff.  after school tennis lessons take place at the School’s Tennis Centre, which is located on the corner of King and Princess Streets, Ashbury (Phone: 9798 9873).  There is a charge for this activity per Term.

Uniform: Boys receiving Tennis Coaching will be required to wear regular white sandshoes for classes. 

Transport: Boys travelling to the Tennis Centre on the School Bus will receive a “Tennis” pass in the first few weeks of Term.  There will be no charge for this Tennis pass.

CRICKET | for Years 3 to 6

We have been fortunate enough to secure the services of a highly experienced, Level 2 accredited Cricket Coach to run private coaching clinics at the Preparatory School.  These clinics usually run on Tuesday afternoons. There is a charge for this activity per Term.

ELITE FOOTBALL | for Years 3 to 6

Boys in Years 3 – 6 from both the Junior School and the Preparatory School are invited to trial for this Elite Football Training Group early in the year.  Once selected, training is conducted on Monday mornings from 7:00am – 8:00am. Boys may catch the bus to school at the conclusion of the session.

MINIMITES CLUB | for Pre-kindergarten to Year 2

This activity is held on 3 or 4 Friday afternoons per term at Summer Hill from 4:00pm - 5.00pm. In terms 1 & 4 the focus of the programme is Athletics. In terms 2 & 3 the boys are involved in Gymnastics and Football (soccer). There is a charge for this activity per Term.

RUGBY CLINIC | for Years 3 to 6

This opportunity is offered for boys throughout the year to develop their rugby skills. The sessions take place at the Summer Hill campus on Friday afternoons.

BASKETBALL CLUB | for Kindergarten to Year 2

This opportunity is offered for boys in Terms 1 and 2 to develop their basketball skills.

FOOTBALL CLUB | for Kindergarten to Year 2

This opportunity is offered for boys in Terms 3 and 4 to develop their football skills.