The Trinity Singers were formed in 1980 by the former Director of Preparatory School Music, James Southwood OAM. The aim was to create an auditioned choral group of excellence, achieving exceptional standards of musicianship, performance and leadership. The Trinity Singers have achieved an enviable reputation among the Independent Schools’ community over the years winning multiple Eisteddfods and performing at festivals, concerts and various charity and community events. Over the years, they have performed at all the major venues in Sydney, including the Opera House, Sydney Town Hall, Angel Place Recital Hall and the Entertainment Centre. In 1997, the Singers were invited to perform with two visiting choirs from Japan in a cultural exchange concert in the Opera House.
Membership is for boys in Years 4 to 6. At the end of each year, Year 3 boys are given the opportunity to audition. The auditions are held for several weeks, giving each and every boy the opportunity to gain confidence and for the definitive blend of voices to be established. This blend of voices is the key to continuing the fine quality singing. The Trinity Singers are a 'chamber choir' which best achieves the musical goals with a limited number of choristers. Ideally this number is 48 but in exceptional cases the number of places can be expanded. Despite the main audition process occurring at the end of Year 3, sometimes places open up at other times. We encourage students to contact Mrs Campbell the Director of Preparatory School Music at any time throughout their Preparatory School journey if they are interested in becoming a Trinity Singer.
Rehearsal & Performances
Combined rehearsals for firsts and seconds are held on Wednesday mornings from 7:30 - 8:30am with separate ones for firsts on Thursdays 7:45am – 8.30am and seconds on Fridays 7.45am – 8.30am. Additional rehearsals are sometimes scheduled during lunchtime in preparation for special performances. The repertoire includes both sacred and secular music. The Singers sing anthems at the Family Services which are held in the War Memorial Chapel, Summer Hill Campus. Combined performances with the Senior School happen at various points in the year, including the annual Music Gala. They also perform at the Royal School of Church Music Junior Choral Festivals, IPSHA performances at Sydney Town Hall and for significant Preparatory School events throughout the year.
Boys in Years 1 to 3 may join the Junior Choir which rehearses one afternoon a week. Membership is voluntary and, together with the Trinity Singers, number some 80 boys. The Choir provides an opportunity for anyone who enjoys singing to perform in an ensemble and assists in preparing boys who may want to audition for Trinity Singers at the end of Year 3. Repertoire often includes more contemporary styles and explores a range of genres (such as musical theatre, world music and film music).
Individual instrumental tuition continues to be a strong focus of the Music Programme. Guidelines for the appropriate starting age and instrument are set out in the Instrumental Tuition application form. Discussions with the Director of Music regarding these are always welcome.
The timetable is a fixed one, organised by the instrumental teacher in collaboration with the boy’s and class teacher and parents. Lessons are half an hour in duration. A written report by the student’s teacher is included in the Semester reports.
The boys may sit for music examinations. However, these are not compulsory. The examination entry fee and accompanist fee are additional to the regular tuition fees.
At the end of each semester, parents and friends are invited to attend their son's Students’ Concert in the Mozart or Beethoven Rooms. In these Concerts, all boys play a piece at whatever level of performance they happen to be. The benefits for the performers have proved extremely valuable and have a very positive effect on the boy's self-confidence and self-esteem.
Theory classes are offered during lunchtimes. The boys prepare for the AMEB Grades 1-4 public examination in August each year. Each boy’s parents are responsible for paying this fee.
The Year 1-2 String Programme operates for two years and is designed to give students an introduction to learning the violin, viola and cello in group lessons. At the beginning of Year 1, the boys are allocated to either a beginner group or an advanced group depending on the time they have been learning the instrument. The boys perform for parents at the end of each semester. At any time throughout the two-year period, the students are able to enrol in the Individual Instrumental Tuition Program.
At the beginning of Year 4 all boys are offered the opportunity to learn a Band Instrument which can include Trumpet, Flute, Trombone, Baritone and Clarinet. The hour long programme involves a half hour instrumental group lesson and a classroom Music lesson. This Programme generally provides boys the opportunity to participate in the Concert Band once they undertake Individual Instrumental Tuition.
There are several groups in which boys can be involved. We welcome not only boys who learn at School but also any who learn outside School to join some of these ensembles.
> Chamber Orchestra
> Chamber Ensemble
> String Orchestra
> Concert Band
> Chapel Band
> Percussion Ensemble*
> Junior Percussion Ensemble
> Saxophone Ensemble
> Cello Ensembles
*Invitation or audition required