In Pre-Kindergarten at Trinity your young son will be nurtured and encouraged with a stimulating and caring approach. We aim to foster boys’ natural curiosity and sense of wonder and challenge them in a way that prepares them in the best possible way for ‘big school.’
Why should I send my son to Pre-Kindergarten?
Pre-Kindergarten at Trinity offers many benefits that lay the foundations for a true love of learning. As part of the Trinity Grammar School community, Pre-Kindergarten acts as both a bridge and foundation year between a conventional pre-school or long day care and kindergarten. We appreciate and understand the importance of giving young learners the very best start to their educational journey.
Pre-Kindergarten adopts the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP) which provides developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that nurture, stimulate and challenge inquiring minds, promoting lifelong learning. The inquiry-based approach to learning ignites curiosity and is the ideal preparation for kindergarten, allowing a smooth and easy transition.
What is the entry age for Pre-Kindergarten?
Boys must turn four years old before 30 April in the year they enter Pre-Kindergarten.
Can I choose the days my son attends Pre-Kindergarten?
Pre-Kindergarten boys attend five days a week from 9:00am to 2:45pm during School terms. The playground is supervised from 8.30am and we encourage parents to interact and play with their son in the classroom or playground until the class formally begins at 9.00am. We find that this helps to settle the boys for the day ahead.
What if I work and need longer hours of care?
Out of hours care is provided at the Preparatory School before and after Pre-Kindergarten, and in the school holidays. Care is available from 7.00am and until 6.00pm on weekdays and during school holidays.
Do Pre-Kindergarten boys wear a uniform?
Pre-Kindergarten boys wear the same Trinity Grammar School uniform that is worn by boys in Kindergarten to Year 6.
What curriculum does Pre-Kindergarten follow?
Pre-Kindergarten adopts the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP) and works towards Early Stage One outcomes (NSW Board of Studies).
An aim of the PYP is to create a curriculum that is engaging, relevant, challenging and significant for learners in the 3-12 age range. Our Pre- Kindergarten indoor and outdoor learning environments provide the perfect space for your son to engage in quality literacy and numeracy learning experiences. He will gain mathematical understanding by predicting capacity in the sand pit or measuring length in the dry river bed for example. He will be immersed in shared reading experiences where he will acquire a love of literature.
Play is an important and natural activity that allows boys to learn as they make meaning of the world around them. Pre-Kindergarten boys learn through play, while developing social and self-management skills such as communicating, co-operating, sharing, caring and negotiating. Teachers in Pre-Kindergarten value, encourage and participate in purposeful play with the boys.
What is the PYP about?
PYP students learn how to take control of their learning. The whole school community, including parents, are viewed as partners in learning, and actively contribute to a holistic educational experience to build students’ confidence and self-motivation.
Based on Units of Inquiry, students learn by developing conceptual understanding and strengthening their knowledge and skills across and beyond subject areas. This means for your son will participate in real-life learning that is engaging, relevant, challenging and significant.
What does a typical day in Pre-Kindergarten look like?
Classes begin at 9.00am and conclude at 2.45pm each day.
During this time, boys engage in a number of specialist classes within their weekly timetable including: Mandarin language, Physical Education, Visual Arts, Musical specialist lessons, and weekly Christian Studies.
The Pre-Kindergarten timetables follows that of the rest of the School with recess at 10.30am and lunch at 12.30pm. Boys are given extended play periods encouraging them to develop social skills with their peers.
How big is the class and year group?
We have three classes with 20 boys in each class. We have a generous staff to student ratio and our experienced and dedicated teachers are supported by teacher aides. Teachers are available during mornings and afternoons to answer your questions and offer advice and expertise about your son’s development.
How can Pre-Kindergarten better prepare my son for school?
The most important aspect of Pre-Kindergarten is that it prepares your son for a love of lifelong learning. Pre-Kindergarten will give your son time to:
learn about whole School expectations, routines and daily transitions
develop self-management and communication skills
develop social skills and relationships with peers and staff
explore the School environment and know where things are
meet and interact with boys in other year groups who are healthy role models
learn what it means to be a Trinity boy
Engage in developmentally appropriate learning where play is valued and integral to teaching and learning.
In addition, in October and November, Pre-Kindergarten boys participate in a four week Kindergarten Orientation programme in preparation for their first formal year of school. Along with boys joining Trinity Grammar School Preparatory School in Kindergarten, Pre-Kindergarten boys visit the Kindergarten classrooms, working with the Kindergarten teachers for three 90 minute sessions on three consecutive Fridays, followed by an Orientation Day on the fourth Friday.
Parents are invited to participate in School Readiness sessions with presentations by an Occupational Therapist, Educational Psychologist and the Preparatory School Academic Support teacher who will discuss why “Literacy and Numeracy Counts.”
Co-curricular, support and facilities
What co-curricular activities are offered for Pre-Kindergarten?
Pre-Kindergarten boys have the opportunity to participate in Minimites, a gross-motor skills development programme (athletics, soccer, gymnastics), using the extensive sports facilities at our Summer Hill campus on Friday afternoons.
Boys are also able to take advantage of onsite Music tutoring after school classes.
What support services are offered?
An on-site Trinity English Centre provides additional support for English as a Second Language (ESL) and Non-English Speaking Background (NESB) students with intensive after school classes available.
We also have Speech and Occupational Therapy and Psychologists available should they be required.
Pre-Kindergarten facilities
Pre-Kindergarten at the Preparatory School campus in Strathfield offers a spacious, flexible, and multi-purpose learning environment which links effectively with ground floor facilities, joined by a large, enclosed outdoor learning and play environment. The outdoor environment encourages boys to tend to plants in the thriving vegetable garden, get their hands dirty in a number of digging patches and explore nature in our purpose built dry riverbed.
Will my son be involved in the wider Trinity Grammar School community?
Pre-Kindergarten participate in many whole of School events including; assemblies, book parades, ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day services, and the Trinity Fiesta. Boys also participate in Chapel Services and Sports Carnivals with the Infants (Kindergarten to Year 2) section of the School.
Your son will become a member of the Trinity Community with the benefit of a small Pre-Kindergarten community supporting him.
Can I see Pre-Kindergarten in action?
You and your son can experience the Trinity difference by coming along to one of our Pre-Kindergarten Open Mornings.Our Preparatory School in Strathfield welcomes young boys and their parents to experience firsthand its unique Pre-Kindergarten programme. Boys are invited to meet and play with current Pre-Kindergarten students and are encouraged to explore the many play-based learning activities.
You'll see how teachers and students interact, and learn about the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme on offer. Our Director of Curriculum and enrolment staff will be on hand to answer questions you may have. Register for one of our Open Mornings.
Applying for Pre-Kindergarten
What is the process of applying for Pre-Kindergarten?
You can apply for Pre-Kindergarten online. Please note that demand for Pre-Kindergarten places is high so we encourage you to apply early. Pending availability your son may be invited attend a Pre-Kindergarten assessment and family interview.
If your application is successful, you will receive a letter of offer from the Head Master. Once you have formally accepted the Head Master offer of enrolment, you and your son will be invited to an orientation morning. This takes place in the November of the year prior to starting. Your son will meet all of the Pre-Kindergarten staff, begin to familiarise himself with his new learning environment, participate in play-based activities, and meet and play with new friends.
You will be encouraged to play with your son for the first part of the morning, before leaving him while you attend a short meeting where you will be given more information about the year ahead.
This is also a good time for you to meet other parents and form networks of your own.
How Pre-Kindergarten can help parents
Pre-Kindergarten is a very important year for parents also. It gives them the opportunity to develop relationships with other parents and develop a social network and informal support system where, together they will share in the wonderful experiences that await their boys as they move through school. |