The Preparatory School provides a strong foundation for a comprehensive all round education, which ultimately seeks to develop responsible, contributing members of society. We understand the importance of building on the solid work that has already been done by the boys’ first teachers – their parents. The Preparatory School caters for boys from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6 (4yrs – 12yrs) and is located at Strathfield. The Preparatory School is distinctly a primary school, providing opportunities for ‘little boys to be big boys’, as they assume responsibility for setting the tone and culture of the School. The School has well-resourced classrooms and access to state of the art facilities. Passionate, experienced and caring staff members facilitate programmes to meet the academic, social, physical, emotional, spiritual and cultural needs of each child as participate in learning experiences to develop in mind, body and spirit.
The School has adopted the International Baccalaureate’s Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) framework to engage learners in a curriculum that is significant, challenging, engaging and rigorous. The curriculum is regularly adjusted to allow teachers to cater for each student’s learning needs and interests, and to encourage and support all boys to reach their academic potential. More broadly, the PYP framework promotes a lifelong learning journey based around the attributes of the IB’s Learner Profile; knowledgeable, inquirers, principled, reflective, balanced, caring, risk-takers, open-minded, communicators, thinkers.
Physical activity is an integral component of the development of the all-round child. Opportunities are provided for each child to develop skills that will translate into many areas of his life well beyond the gates of the school. All boys in Years 4 to 6 participate in a winter and summer sport and Year 3 boys participate in a skills programme that provides them with the opportunity to try each of the main sports. These programmes promote team building and life skills that are important to each boy's personal development. There is also a variety of co-curricular sporting activities for every boy at the Preparatory School to ensure each boy can develop his body.
The co-curricular activities provided at the Preparatory School are diverse. Highlighted by an outstanding co-curricular Music programme, there are many opportunities for boys to explore an area of passion and interest outside the classroom. Whist not compulsory, boys are encouraged to become involved in the extra activities. The cultural development of each boy is another important dynamic in the development of the all-round Trinity boy.
At the Preparatory School, the boys receive a thoroughly Christian education with spiritual qualities in every sphere of learning so that they will have the opportunity to "grow in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and man, in order that they may become responsible, contributing members of society."