The Pastoral Care guidelines and programmes at the School not only reflect current best practice in education and psychology, but also the importance of both care and discipline. An effective pastoral care system requires unconditional positive regard for all individuals, together with the establishment of fair limits and logical consequences for negative behaviours. The grace of God working in the lives of those in the School community, coupled with the range of experiences and a caring and nurturing environment provided by the School, helps to develop faith in God, self-confidence and resilience.
To provide the best standard of care and guidance of boys so that each boy will be able to grow in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and man, in order that he may become a responsible, contributing member of society.
> to encourage boys to serve God and man
> to guide boys to an awareness of themselves as human creatures under God
> to encourage boys to value their own self-worth and that of others
> to develop skills that enhance the emotional resilience and interpersonal competence
> to encourage self-discipline and personal responsibility
> to reduce the incidence of inappropriate behaviour
To give boys an understanding of the Gospel so that they can make a personal judgment in matters of faith and come to maturity of faith in the Christ of the Bible.
> to teach Christian values
> to seek to meet each boy's spiritual, intellectual, social and physical needs
> to promote and teach an understanding and tolerance
> to teach the relationship between rights and responsibilities
> to promote a code of behaviour in which each boy is respected
> to clarify behavioural standards and promote self-discipline
> to recognise individual needs, skills and stages of development
> to provide a school culture in which boys and young men are supported in a co-operative, harmonious and safe environment
> to provide logical consequences for inappropriate behaviour