A positive relationship between teachers and boys is fostered through the willingness on the part of staff to ensure that boys are properly cared for. In developing Christian, pro-social and self-disciplined behaviour, teachers have a crucial part to play through guidance and positive role modelling.
The Head Master and his Executive are responsible for the overall direction of pastoral care in the School. The staff are responsible to the Head Master through the Deputy Head Master - Students and Masters of the Senior, Middle, Junior and Preparatory Schools. The Masters of the Senior, Middle, Junior and Preparatory Schools are each the Chairperson of their respective Pastoral Committees and Welfare Teams.
The Chaplain plays a major role in the School. Boys are encouraged to seek the Chaplain’s advice, together with that of their Housemaster, Middle School Housemaster, Assistant Chaplain or Classroom teacher when they encounter problems. The position involves teaching of Christian Studies in addition to responsibility for worship in the Chapel.
The Housemasters and Middle School Housemasters aim to know each boy in order to guide and support each boy’s all-round development according to the School’s stated aims. Some important areas of development include:
> Encouraging good study habits.
> Encouraging an active role in sport co-curricular and cultural pursuits to broaden each boy's view of life and involvement at Trinity.
> Fostering social interaction in leadership and service activities.
> Providing stimulating opportunities to learn about themselves and to learn tolerance of others.
TUTORS (Middle and Senior School)
Housemasters and Middle School Housemasters are assisted by Tutors in the House. The Tutor has the smallest pastoral unit that the School officially provides. This role is central to the delivery of Pastoral Care, both directly (by effective facilitating of the Life Skills Programme) and in the informal interactions with members of his or her Tutor Group.
The class teacher is the crucial provider of Pastoral Care in Pre-K to Year 6. Class teachers gain as much knowledge as they can about each boy in their charge: his parents and his family, his cognitive abilities and attitudes, his ability at games, his hobbies and interests, his hopes and fears. They act as the boy’s adviser. The class teachers (Pre-K to 6) give correction and guidance to the boys when there are breaches of discipline. They build up a record of each boy that contains details concerning work, sport, social adjustment and so on. The class teacher (Pre-K to 6) will normally be the first contact person for parents concerning any matter relating to their son.
The major responsibilities of the School Counsellors include:
> facilitating programmes aimed at enhancing intrapersonal and interpersonal skills of identified special needs and students who are at risk
> psychological and educational assessment of individual students
> consulting with parents and teachers concerning educational and psychological support
> providing short term counselling
> establishing and maintaining a referral network for students with special needs and students at risk
> assisting in applications for School Certificate and Higher School Certificate special provisions for students with disabilities |