The Careers Education Programme is primarily aimed at students in Years 10, 11 and 12.
Early in Year 10 students enter into a process to develop a Career Guidance Profile (Morrisby Report). The process includes an interview with the Housemaster based on the results of several aptitude tests and the relationship, both pastoral and academic, developed with the Housemaster. The Report, in conjunction with the Housemaster’s knowledge and understanding of each student, will form the basis for decisions on subject selection in Years 11 and 12. The Profile may also be used as a basis for determining and planning a career pathway.
The OTU Careers Expo is also organised together with the Year 10 Courses and Information Night, where Year 10 students are advised about the various course and subject options for Year 11. The Expo provides all senior students with the opportunity to talk, informally, to Old Boys representing around 50 different career areas and speak directly with university and training providers.
Years 11 and 12 students may elect to undertake Vocational Education Training (VET) courses delivered at Trinity. These VET courses provide valued skills for students considering pathways that might not be directly linked with university courses. Students undertaking VET courses also have the opportunity to engage in a School Based Traineeship in that vocational area while doing their HSC.
Students in the senior school participate in a four weeks of scheduled Life Skills Programme focusing on a greater understanding of future career opportunities.
Senior School students and their parents work with the Careers and Student Pathways Advisor, often through their Housemasters, to engage in career conversations to assist in making decisions about post school study options. Students need to avail themselves of these opportunities and the range of resources available in order to help make informed decisions about tertiary courses, scholarships, cadetships, exchange programmes, alternative entry pathways to university, traineeships and apprenticeship opportunities.
Throughout the year, students in Years 10, 11 and 12 can participate in careers information sessions presented by representatives from universities, industry and other training providers during the School’s careers lunch-time sessions.
In Term 4, students in Years 10 and 11 have an opportunity to attend the OTU/P&F Careers Mentoring Evening. The format of this evening includes:
> An insight into the reality of the working world;
An insight into employment in specific industry sectors;
Guidance from experienced leaders within the career professions; and
Listen to real stories from our industry leaders.
Senior students are encouraged to begin the process of considering different vocations by attending talks by visiting speakers, attending university open days and information evenings, reading the Careers Notice Board frequently, and availing themselves of the large amount of career-oriented material shared throughout the School. They should also read the Careers section in the Head Master’s Bulletin. Parents and students are welcome to make an appointment with the Careers Advisor to assist in the decision making process related to post school study, vocational opportunities, courses and/or subject choices.
Enquiries concerning careers education should be directed to Susan Draysey, Careers and Student Pathways Advisor. |