We offer our Preparatory School boys various co-curricular sporting opportunities for those who wish to further develop their skills.
EAP | Years 3 to 6
The Primary Emerging Athlete Programme is available to all students in Years 3 – 6 and has been in operation for over five years. The focus has been on developing gross motor skills through drills, sprints, throws and jumps. The boys are grouped by skill level and fitness, and sessions Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3.40pm until 5.00pm. The boys will be transported on the Trinity bus but parents are to collect the boys from Campbell Oval at 5.00pm. There is a charge for this activity per Term.
SWIMMING | Years 3 to 6
Swimming Squads are conducted at the School Pool at Summer Hill from 4:00pm until 5:00pm. Boys apply to the School's Director of Swimming, Mr Benjamin Tuxford for inclusion into the squads. The mini-squads cater for competent swimmers across four ability levels and are charged per term.
TENNIS | Years 3 to 6
Tennis Coaching will be under the direction of Mr Jeremy Dykgraaff. After school tennis lessons take place at the School’s Tennis Centre, which is located on the corner of King and Princess Streets, Ashbury (Phone: 9798 9873). There is a charge for this activity per Term.
Uniform: Boys receiving Tennis Coaching will be required to wear regular white sandshoes for classes.
Transport: Boys travelling to the Tennis Centre on the School Bus will receive a “Tennis” pass in the first few weeks of Term. There will be no charge for this Tennis pass.
CRICKET | Years 3 to 6
We have been fortunate enough to secure the services of a highly experienced, Level 2 accredited Cricket Coach to run private coaching clinics at the Preparatory School. These clinics usually run on Tuesday afternoons. There is a charge for this activity per Term.
ELITE FOOTBALL | Years 3 to 6
Boys in Years 3 – 6 from both the Junior School and the Preparatory School are invited to trial for this Elite Football Training Group early in the year. Once selected, training is conducted on Monday mornings from 7:00am – 8:00am. Boys may catch the bus to school at the conclusion of the session.
This activity is held on 3 or 4 Friday afternoons per term at Summer Hill from 4:00pm - 5.00pm. In terms 1 & 4 the focus of the programme is Athletics. In terms 2 & 3 the boys are involved in Gymnastics and Football (soccer). There is a charge for this activity per Term.