The International Baccalaureate diploma is one of the academic pathways that Trinity Grammar School offers students in year 11 and 12. Over the past 17 years Trinity has offered dedicated IB subject classes with breadth of subject choice with delivery by experienced IB teachers. Currently over 25% of Trinity's senior students undertake the diploma because of its international outlook, the variety of subjects offered, the way it prepares students for further tertiary study and Trinity's IB successes.
Trinity Grammar School is the first school in Australasia to be accredited as a World Academy of Sport Athlete Friendly Education Centre – one of only nine IB schools in the world to receive accreditation. The School completed its accreditation visit by the World Academy of Sport in 2014, showcasing its impressive sport programme and state of the art facilities. This accreditation means that from 2016 Trinity will be able to support the requirements of its future high performing student athletes even more effectively by allowing them to gain their IB Diploma over a period of up to four years instead of the normal two years. This will enable these exceptional student athletes to combine their challenging training schedules and commitments with their academic studies.
Trinity's success in delivering the IB Diploma is demonstrated by the consistently outstanding results achieved by our IB Candidates.
Trinity's successes are the greatest of any IB Independent Boy's School in NSW.
Since 2004:
> 12 Equal 1st Worldwide 45/45 IB Points
> 95 IB students in the top 1% of the state
> 120 Distinction Certificates | 40 IB Points or more (Similar to HSC All Round Achievement)
> 833 IB Merit Certificates (Maximum Grade 7 in a subject/A in EE/TOK/CAS) in 47 different subjects.
Trinity delivers the widest range of IB Subject Choices in NSW with an experienced IB Staff.
> Trinity's IB Scores
> Trinity's IB Subjects
Excerpt from Sydney Morning Herald | 4 February 2010
Australasia's regional representative for the International Baccalaureate Organisation, Greg Valentine, believes IB students are better prepared for university because of the demands of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Course.
Recent Trinity Grammar School graduate Ben Balzer, 19, is one example of this.
Balzer, who won a $10,000-a-year scholarship from the University of Sydney last year, says opting to complete the IB Diploma was the key to his success. Whilst the scholarship money has been handy, Balzer says he is most grateful for the preparation for university afforded him by the workload and standard of the IB.
"For some subjects I am doing at Uni I have found I had already covered much of the work during the IB," he says. "The IB course is so much more in-depth than the HSC. It prepared me well for Uni."
...Balzer received the scholarship for outstanding achievement for his perfect score of 45 in the IB in 2008 and his impressive universities admission index (UAI).
> read the full article
Studying the International Baccalaureate at Trinity provides better access to Universities in NSW, Australia and Worldwide and to University Scholarships. Three recent Trinity IB Graduates exemplify this:
Varun Manaharan | TGS IB Graduate 09
UNSW Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
Though not successful with his UMAT score in gaining entry into medicine, his IB score of 44 gave him entry and a Scientia Scholarship worth $10,000 per annum.
> read more about Varun
Alexander Palmer | TGS IB Graduate 09
University of Cambridge, St John's College, UK
Undergraduate Arts Honours Degree in Music
> read more about Alex
Aaron Millican | TGS IB Dux 09
UNSW Bachelor of Engineering Photovoltaic and Solar Energy
> read more about Aaron
The preparation for University that the IB offers provides University students a head start which ultimately can lead to better university success in Australia and worldwide.
Paul Touyz | TGS IB Dux 2006
University of Sydney
Winner of Individual Scholarships and Prizes over his tenure. 2010 prizes include:
> University of Sydney Academic Merit Prize
> Dean's List for excellence in Academic Performance (Bachelor of Arts, Languages)
> Nicholson Scholarship for Latin
> Cooper Scholarship In Classics
> Fredrick Spencer Burnell Prize for Best Essay - Classical Greek
> Garton Scholarship for German
John (Jeong-Ho) Kim | TGS IB Graduate 2005
Princeton University, New Jersey USA
> Undergraduate Honours in Economics
> 2010 Winner of "The Halbert White Prize in Economics" - Awarded annually to the most outstanding senior economics major, as evidence by excellence in departmental coursework, and creativity in the junior papers and senior thesis.
"IB is well known to us as excellent preparation. Success in the IB programme correlates well with success at Harvard. We are pleased to see the credential of the IB Diploma Programme on the transcript."
Marlyn McGrath Lewis | Assistant Dean of Admissions | Harvard University, USA
"Diploma Programme students are well-rounded, multifaceted, multiskilled and have studied in depth. They have good time-management skills. They score higher than students in other national systems, and the IB score is worldwide the same measure."
Hrilina Lock | Undergraduate Admissions Manager | London School of Economics, UK
The International Baccalaureate Organisation aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
To this end the IBO works with schools, governments and international organisations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.