The Senior School Programme at Trinity bestows further opportunities for young men to mature in mind, body and spirit.
To develop and challenge the minds of our young men is central to the Senior School. Academically, students' progress from the NSW Education Standards Authority Stage 5 Curriculum in YEAR 10 to one of THREE alternative pathways in YEAR 11 and 12 then on to post school careers/destinations. The Higher School Certificate, The International Baccalaureate Diploma and TVAC (Trinity Vocational Academic Course) offer boys a breadth of academic and vocational choice which caters for a range of boys' interests and abilities.
A healthy mind does need a healthy body and the Senior School endeavours to provide a wide range of sports to engage the boys. Extensive sporting programmes in traditional and individual sports enable boys develop at the elite level or benefit from the social interaction of organised team sports. In Year 11 and 12 the range of sports options for boys increases.
The co-curricular options, creative and performing arts programmes all work to provide boys with the opportunity to pursue their areas of passion and broaden their experiences outside the classroom. The support given by quality pastoral care and the extensive leadership opportunities on offer enable Trinity senior students to grow into self-confident, resilient young men who will be challenged to reflect on their God given talents.
This culmination of a Trinity education provides ideal preparation for future studies and career paths and the capacity for lifelong learning. The young men who leave the school are encouraged to have a healthy life style, and be confident of success in an emerging global community and to accept the challenge of living their lives in the service of God and their fellow human beings.