At Trinity Grammar School we strive to promote the Spiritual, Academic, Social, Physical and Cultural development of our boys, based on a biblical understanding of the Christian faith. Read more about our values >
Trinity Grammar School also provides a comprehensive range of Co-curricular Activities, which represent an important component of the Trinity Triangle and the 'well-rounded' boy we aim to develop. The School places a premium on providing opportunities for boys to develop their skills, and feel empowered to pursue a passion. Co-curricular Activities aim to develop important skills in leadership, communication, performance, creativity, decision-making, cooperation and service. By participating in Co-curricular Activities boys value and achieve in, they are able to build their self-confidence and further enhance their connectedness to the School.
Most Co-curricular Activities are held from 3:30pm to 5:00pm each Friday, though some are scheduled at other times throughout the week. The School’s annual Service Week is conducted during the Week 8 of Term 1. Transfer between Co-curricular Activities may only occur when boys complete a transfer form through the Sport and Co-curricular Office in the two transfer windows of Weeks 10 and 11 Term 1 and Weeks 9 and 10 Term 3, along with Weeks 1 and 2 of Term 4.
Middle School
All Year 7 boys take part in the Peer Support Induction Programme through their Tutor Group, and are encouraged to participate in other Co-curricular Activities such as Chess Club, Science Club, Berea, Music (Auditioned Groups), Debating Society, Scouts or Drama. Boys in Year 8 and Year 9 must participate in either an auditioned Music group or the School’s Cadet Unit as their minimum commitment, but may also join additional Co-curricular Activities.
Senior School
All Senior School boys must undertake one or more of the Co-curricular Activities on offer. The Senior Boys have, through the co-curricular programme, develop skills in leadership, communication, performance, creativity, decision-making, cooperation and service.
Year 12 boys must maintain their Co-curricular Activities until the end of Term 2, except for Senior Music and Debating groups who are required to continue with practices and performances up to and including Speech Night.