We offer our Junior School boys various co-curricular sporting opportunities for those who wish to further develop their skills.
The Primary Emerging Athlete Programme is available to all students in Years 3 – 6 and has been in operation for over five years. The focus has been on developing gross motor skills through drills, sprints, throws and jumps. The boys are grouped by skill level and fitness, and sessions are conducted on Monday mornings, 7.30am – 8.15am (Middle Distance training group) and Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3.40pm until 5.00pm. This programme runs throughout the year and is offered to Trinity Grammar Students. There is a charge per term.
Swimming Squads are conducted at the School Pool at Summer Hill from 3:30pm until 4:30pm. Boys apply to the School’s Director of Swimming, Mr Benjamin Tuxford for inclusion into the squads. The mini-squads cater for competent swimmers across four ability levels and are charged per term.
Coaching sessions are available to all Junior School boys and are held from 3.45pm – 4.30pm on a Wednesday afternoon at the Trinity Tennis Centre located on the corner of King and Princess Street, Ashbury. Lessons focus on the development of hand eye coordination, motor skills, stroke production, footwork, basic tennis strategies, games based activities, sportsmanship and the rules of tennis. Coaching sessions are charged per session and are billed to the school account on a term by term basis. A complimentary bus transports the boys from the Lewisham Campus and Junior School Campus to tennis however the boys must be collected from the Trinity Tennis Centre by 4.30pm.
Boys in Years 3 – 6 from both the Junior School and the Preparatory School are invited to trial for this Elite Football Training Group early in the year. Once selected, training is conducted during Term 2 and 3 on Wednesday afternoons from 4.00pm – 5.30pm.
MINIMITES CLUB (PK- Year 2 only)
This activity is held on Friday afternoons for a period of 4 – 5 weeks per term. The session will run between 4.00pm and 5.00pm during Terms 1 – 3 and between 4.00pm and 6.00pm in Term 4. The Club has been introduced to expose students, in these early years, to an organised sporting experience teaching them basic skills and enabling them to participate in modified games and activities.