Your TGS Account
Trinity Grammar School students receive an account from the day they begin until the day they graduate from Trinity. It provides them a secure access to various systems that will assist throughout their studies.
A Trinity network account enables students to:
- Access the Trinity network internally and externally
- Connect to the Trinity WiFi network
- Access all online tools and services including Office 365, Google Apps and Canvas and other student-based applications.
- Download Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Cloud
- Login to TGS devices including Mac and PC labs.
- Access to the library catalogues, databases and services.
Web based software
Canvas the student Learning Management System that can be accessed from any web enabled device. Canvas allows students access to learning materials, discussion boards and class announcements. Students may also view and submit assignments, access their marks, feedback and collaborate with their peers.
Google Apps for Education
Google Apps for Education provide the default software on a Chromebook. Key tools in the productivity suite include Google Docs for word processing, Google Slides for presentations and Google Sheets for spreadsheets. All Google tools include built in collaboration functions allowing students to share and edit files in real time. All content on the Chromebook is stored in the student’s Google Drive, a secure unlimited cloud-based storage space.
Microsoft Office 365
Office 365 delivers the Outlook student e-mail service managed by Trinity Grammar School. Additionally, it provides web based access to Office Online, a suite containing Word, PowerPoint, Excel and OneDrive access.
Chrome Web Store
The Chrome Web Store is Google's online store application for the Chromebook. Thousands of web apps can be found in the Chrome Web Store. By using your Google Suite for Education account will have access to the educational application when accessing the web store.
Application based software (for MAC or PC)
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office is a productivity suite available for Mac and PC users. Installing Microsoft Office can link to our Office online 365. Instructions to download Office can be found on the eLearning/ICT Help Centre on Canvas.
Adobe Creative Cloud
Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) is a set of design-based applications and services available for Mac and PC users. Trinity currently offers Acrobat CC, Photoshop CC, Lightroom CC, Illustrator CC, InDesign CC, Animate CC, Spark CC, Dreamweaver CC to students. Instructions to download Creative Cloud can be found on theeLearning/ICT Help Centre on Canvas.
Solid Works
SolidWorks is a solid modelling computer-aided design and computer-aided engineering computer program that is only available on Windows. This software is provided for students in D&T with instructions to download available on the eLearning/ICT Help Centre on Canvas.
The Arthur Holt Library
The recently refurbished Arthur Holt Library was designed to provide students and teachers with a range of fully flexible learning spaces that offer real-world experiences and promote a culture of collaboration. Library services are supported by WiFi, RFID and an abundance of power, data and digital display options. Some online services offered by the library include:
Trinity Grammar School's book, eBook, audiobook, video and multimedia collection. Students can access and search the School’s library catalogue online.
The School subscribes to several premium databases containing journal articles, images, music, videos and more. A full list can be found on the library intranet page: http://intranet.trinity.nsw.edu.au/student/library/
Databases include:
> World Book Student
> Oxford Reference
> Echo
> Gale by Cengage Learning
> Naxos Music Library
Canvas Library Course
All students and staff are enrolled in the Senior School Library course providing quick access to search the catalogue, recommended book lists, Library Hacks learning program summaries and Library Services team contact details.
LibGuides is an online service run by the library staff providing subject specific content that is curated to support the curriculum. LibGuides can be access by visiting: http://trinity.nsw.libguides.com/libraryhome
ClickView Online
ClickView Online allows students to access the School’s ClickView media library on their devices. ClickView offers a wide range of educational video libraries as well as TV recordings. Visit http://online.clickview.com.au/SignIn