Common Sense Principles | When using Technology

Reputation and privacy

> Create privacy settings on social media
> Keep passwords private
> Keep personal information private on the internet
> Keep safe by not posting or sending inappropriate photos
> Think before posting publicly - imagine your parents, teachers or grandparents seeing what you posted

Demonstrate maturity

> Use the internet responsibly
> Think before posting comments on social media
> Report potentially inappropriate content to your parents or a teacher
> Be mindful of the amount of time you spend online – two hours per day is the recommended maximum screen time for younger learners
> Anything potentially dangerous should be reported to a parent or teacher

Think first

> Be a critical thinker - not everything on the internet is true and you must make judgements about a person’s or source’s credibility
> Recognise that your safety and well-being are the most important priorities for your parents and teachers

Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship is embedded into our programmes at both primary and secondary level. It is paramount to us that Trinity students learn to become responsible digital citizens and display a high level of awareness when interacting with technology. Cyberbullying and misuse of technology will not be tolerated. Students are actively encouraged to have a say in how we promote digital citizenship and prevent inappropriate behaviour online.