The Council operates under an Ordinance of the Synod of the Diocese of Sydney and is empowered to administer the School. It comprises seventeen persons. Of these, six clergy nominees and six lay are elected by the Synod of the Diocese. Three members are elected by the Old Trinitarians’ Union and two by the Council itself. The Archbishop of Sydney is ex-officio its President, but regular meetings are under the control of the Chairman of Council. The Head Master is an ex-officio member of Council and attends all Council meetings.
Growth in spiritual understanding is based on a thorough knowledge of the Bible, its teachings and its application to daily life. Boys are encouraged to accept the challenge of living their lives in the service of God and their fellow human beings, understanding the meaning of repentance and forgiveness, and faith and love, as realities in growth to maturity.A personal trust in Christ as Lord and Saviour is encouraged, as are both involvement in the church’s life of prayer and worship and a commitment to the moral standards and teachings of Christ.
Aim 1 | To impart a thorough knowledge of the Bible
a) To teach a Pre K-12 curriculum of Biblical studies so that each boy will know and understand its content and application to life.
b) To give boys sufficient tools to make a personal judgement in matters of faith and subsequently come to maturity of faith in the Christ of the Bible.
Aim 2 | To encourage boys to serve God and Mankind
a) To build up a sense of belonging by using all aspects of the School’s activities
(e.g. in the classroom, through the House system, in the Head Master’s Assembly).
b) To foster trust and loyalty through staff example and through delegation of responsibility to the boys as well as the staff.
c) To develop self-discipline within a framework of realistic and consistent School discipline.
d) To foster family and School worship and community involvement.
Aim 3 | To encourage boys to have faith in God as a loving Father and Creator, in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and in the Holy Spirit as Strengthener and Guide
a) To provide a Pastoral network of individual masters, class teachers (Prep), Housemaster (Senior School), School Counsellor and Chaplains.
b) To provide opportunities for staff and boys to experience supportive Christian fellowship within the School. Some areas in which this would take place would be the Chapel, the classroom, the House period and co-curricular clubs.
Aim 4 | To encourage involvement in the church
a) To establish or support contacts between the boys and their local parish church.
b) To provide a chaplaincy which supplements and supports the local parish ministry.
The acquisition of knowledge and understanding has a high priority in the School. Each boy is helped to develop his own academic ability within the School’s learning programme.This is geared to assist him to make a maximum positive contribution to society to attain fulfilment in life. Boys will be able to think creatively and critically and to evaluate concepts and ideas, to differentiate central from peripheral issues and fact from opinion. In all aspects of the School’s academic programme it is acknowledged that:“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”
Aim 5 | To develop each boy’s academic ability to the full.
a) So to implement the teaching programme that there is effective teaching at all levels of a boy’s development.
b) To select staff who possess a genuine interest and expertise in their discipline and a capacity to communicate it effectively within the classroom.
School Administration
c) To evaluate each boy’s range of academic levels and abilities.
d) To place boys within suitable subjects, classes and levels to develop their ability more fully.
e) To assess a boy’s need for advancement or remediation and to indicate this to the boy concerned, the School and the parents.
f) To timetable the broadest range of options to cater for all levels of ability from Pre K-12.
g) To provide the best possible physical environment for academic instruction.
h) To provide the best possible budget allocation for each subject.
i) To provide for staff development within the curriculum and for staff assistance within departments.
j) To encourage staff to use fully the School’s resources and to maintain comprehensive and up-to-date resources, especially the Library facilities.
Aim 6 | To develop the faculty to think creatively and critically, to evaluate concepts and ideas, to differentiate central from peripheral issues and fact from opinion
a) To present a range of ideas related to the subject matter, both fact and opinion.
b) To teach methods of evaluating and analysing argument.
c) To study community standards and to encourage discussion based on Christian teaching.
d) To provide for the participation of boys in debate inside and outside the classroom.
e) To use personal development, pastoral care and House periods as well as the classroom environment to achieve this aim.
Aim 7 | To acknowledge the centrality of God in the academic programme
a) To encourage instruction which interfaces with Christian values at all levels.
b) To select staff who are in sympathy with the aims of the School.
Boys are encouraged to gain insight into themselves in a way appropriate to their stage of growth, and to accept themselves and others as unique creations of God, in His image, and for whom Christ died. Psychosexual development is considered in the light of Biblical insights into the uniqueness and worth of each individual and our interdependence on each other.
Aim 8 | To guide boys to an awareness of themselves as human creatures under God
a) To stimulate active self-expression and self-confidence through the entire academic programme and through cultural and sporting activities.
b) To promote membership of co-curricular groups.
c) To create in the boys a consciousness of themselves as God’s creatures in all such activities.
Aim 9 | To encourage boys to value their own self-worth and that of others
a) To allow the boys to make appropriate choices and decisions.
b) To examine different opinions and beliefs within the School and classroom.
c) To have boys clarify their own values.
d) To teach the Christian doctrines of forgiveness and grace in order to
emphasise the worth of the individual before God.
e) To conduct activities which necessitate group interaction and reliance on others.
Boys are encouraged to develop personal relationships on the basis of trust and mutual respect as well as care and concern for others.They are involved in contributing to, and learning from, the community around them. They are prepared for family life and the development of a mature understanding and respect for women, their elders, their peers and those younger than they.They should know that they are neither superior nor inferior to others - but equally the concern and care of Christ, who died for all without distinction.
Aim 10 | To impart to boys an understanding of our interdependence
a) To encourage mutual respect for all members of the School community.
b) To help staff, boys and parents work together.
c) To have the boys participate in local community activities.
Aim 11 | To encourage boys to develop relationships based on trust and mutual respect, care and concern
a) To introduce activities which establish a positive classroom climate.
b) To become familiar with each boy’s strengths,weaknesses, needs and interests, in order to foster positive relationships.
Aim 12 | To involve boys in contributing to and learning from their peer community, school community (parents, council, school bodies), home and the wider community, as practical extensions of the teaching of the School
a) To encourage, recognise and reward the involvement of boys
b) To involve all sections of the School in community activities. c) To publicise community activities regularly.
Aim 13 | To develop in the boys a mature understanding of and respect for their family, women, their elders, their peers and younger children
a) To teach Christian values through courses of studies which promote an understanding of others.
b) To make staff and prefects aware of the responsibility of their own example in engendering respect and consideration.
c) To provide occasions for family activity.
Disciplined care of the body and the cultivation of temperate habits are essential for healthy living. Attention to good diet, adequate exercise and the avoidance of habit-forming and addictive drugs are characteristics of mature Christian living. Sporting activities are provided in a range catering for the abilities of all boys. Competitiveness is encouraged for the sake of enabling them to give of their best, rather than simply for the sake of winning.
Aim 14 | To encourage the disciplined care of the body
a) To provide a wide range of both team and individual physical pursuits.
b) To provide curricula at all levels for teaching the necessity for the disciplined care of the body.
c) To provide sufficient trained staff (both external and internal) to fulfil this aim.
Aim 15 | To provide sporting activities which cater for the abilities of all boys
To develop a sporting programme for each age level which will provide activities suitable to the abilities of the boys.
The School develops the talents of its boys in the areas of art and music, and encourages them to appreciate their cultural heritage.Therefore, they are enabled to communicate clearly, to appreciate the beautiful, and to be creative and constructive in their contributions to society and in their leisure pursuits.
Aim 16 | To develop the talents of the boys in Art, Drama and Music
To provide a structured framework of activities to enable students at any age level to participate in the arts.
Aim 17 | To encourage the boys to appreciate their cultural heritage
To include in the basic curriculum a continuous and comprehensive programme of participation in the arts.
All these aspects of education are integrated into one philosophy of life, which is distinctively Christian and seeks to promote the glory of God alone.