An association of parents who meet at the School on the first Tuesday of the month during term time at 6:30pm in the Founder’s Terrace Room, above the Cafeteria. The Auxiliary organises various daytime activities such as the New Parents’ Chapel Service and Morning Tea.
Mothers’ Day Luncheon and Christmas Luncheon as well as being responsible for the running of the Canteen/Cafeteria and Second Hand Clothing Shop.
Canteen and Cafeteria | Summer Hill
The Canteen and Cafeteria are run by the School in collaboration with the Summer Hill Auxiliary and as such the Senior Master and the Auxiliary Executive are responsible for ensuring that they are efficient and economical that they fulfil the role of providing nourishing, healthy food to the Trinity Community. The Canteen/Cafeteria currently has seven members of staff – some part time, some full time. Parents assist these members of staff, allowing the Auxiliary to ensure prices are kept to a minimum and the quality at a premium.
Should you wish to assist the band of loyal Canteen volunteers just ring and speak to the Canteens’ Manager, Mrs Nabiha Bitar on p. 9581 6047.
2021 Summer Hill Auxiliary Committee
President Ms Petty Heather
Vice President Ms Jenny Scott
Secretary Mrs Maria Fresta
Treasurer Mrs Romana Nicholas
Social Secretary Ms Catharine Joukhadar
The Clothing Pool | Strathfield
The Strathfield Auxiliary conducts the School Clothing Pool for second hand School uniform items. Please pay for any items bought through the Clothing Pool by cash or cheque (made payable to Strathfield Auxiliary).
The Clothing Pool will be open on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month from 8:45am - 9:45am. The following Clothing Pool guidelines should be noted by parents:
> School clothing items for sale at the Clothing Pool must be of good quality.
> Parents wishing to dispose of their son’s outgrown uniforms at the Pool must first have the article dry-cleaned or laundered before leaving it for sale.
> The Clothing Pool Convener has the right to reject items left for sale.
> Owing to the small amount that can be charged for khaki shirts and shorts, the Auxiliary considers that these items left for the Pool will be regarded as donations.
Canteen | Strathfield
Should you wish to assist the School in helping to provide reasonably priced healthy food for the boys, please contact the Canteen Manager, Mrs Mary Saba.
Strathfield Auxiliary Meetings | Strathfield
These meetings are held on the first Wednesday morning of each month at 9:00am in the Joske Room (within the School Office) at Strathfield. Strathfield Auxiliary welcomes both ladies and men to help with functions. Become part of a willing team who work to strive for a better School environment for the boys.
Contact Mrs Wasfieh Nwiran for more information about an Auxiliary role.
2021 Strathfield Auxiliary Committee
President Mrs Wasfieh Nwiran
Co Vice President Mrs Katherine Galettis
Co Vice President Mrs Anna Wakim
Secretary Mrs Jennifer Nguyen
Treasurer Mrs Noella Tsang
Canteen Co-ordinator Mrs Clara Furfaro
Parent Liaison Officer Mrs Chau Tran
Fiesta Co-ordinators Mrs Anna Wakim and Dr Sarah Sen
Fundraising Co-ordinators Mr Wayne Fotheringham and Mrs Faten Oueik
Junior School Auxiliary Meetings
These meetings are held on the first Thursday morning of each month during school term at 9am in the Resource Centre, Junior School. There is also one evening meeting held during the year. Details of the location and time of each meeting can be found in the School Calendar or in the Record Book. The Auxiliary welcomes both ladies and men to help with functions.
Canteen | Junior School
Should you wish to assist the School in helping to provide reasonably priced healthy food for the boys, please contact the Canteen Manager Mrs Nabiha Bitar p. 9581 6069.
2021 Junior School Auxiliary Committee
President Ms Michelle Read
Vice President Mrs Amanda Maclean
Secretary Mrs Helen Karlos
Treasurer Mrs Doreen Millena